Quantum Energy Suite Healing
Kundalini Fire Reiki - focuses on the raw universal life force known as Kundalini energy. This holistic approach aims to heal the entire body by clearing and releasing blocked chakras. The primary focus is on unblocking the 3 lower chakras, which hold numerous lower vibrational energetic memories. Once these blockages are removed and energy can flow freely, the higher chakras and energy centers can open up to receive more love and light. While Kundalini energy also reaches the mental and spiritual bodies, it primarily targets physical body pains such as muscular aches, joint problems, back pain, migraines, headaches. Additionally, it revitalizes and unblocks energy centers and meridian channels while greatly helping with insomnia for improved health and vitality.
Below is a deeper and subtler form of energy for those who are open to dive deeper within ones own self to find your true purpose and connection to Oneness.
- Diamond Lightcode - a deeper form of galactic energies working on the spiritual body, diamond energies to enlighten, heal and rejuvenate your soul to attain higher states of consciousness and deeper self realization.
- Crystalline Lightcode - The objective is to dissolve and heal any past physical or psychological traumas, pain, and sorrow. This includes emotional abuse, failed marriages, heartbreaks, as well as old physical or mental injuries. These experiences result in the accumulation of crystallized negative energy blocks within us. These fragmented energies can cause discomfort and affect our overall system, although we may struggle to pinpoint the exact source of this pain. The aim is to address these issues and provide healing for a more balanced state of being.